Hi Web Artisans! I’m back with a brand new article for the Laravel Tutorial Series. When you are talking about web development then what are the things that come to your mind? Well, I guess it is Speed and Efficiency. You can correct me by writing in the comment section if I’m wrong but the chances are minimum.

Speed ​​and Efficiency are two important factors when developing a web application. Here speed is the term which refers to the total time taken in the development of a web application and efficiency can be termed as a smaller number of bugs and errors in the final product.

You may or may not agree with me about the definition of speed and efficiency in the context of web development but the people like Taylor Otwell must agree with me who create Laravel Framework and intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–controller architectural pattern and based on Symfony.

So, in this article, we will see What is Laravel and why it is used?

What is Laravel?

Laravel is an open-source PHP-based framework and it is used to develop Web Applications. Laravel follows the MVC i.e., model–view–controller architectural pattern and it provides the expressive and elegant syntax as a set of tools and resources to build robust PHP applications.

Why Laravel Framework is used?

The above sentences are just a brief introduction to the Laravel Framework but in fact, Laravel is much more. Laravel has the most comprehensive and complete documentation and video tutorial library of all modern web application frameworks, making it easy to get started with the framework.

The best part is the community. If you have skills and ideas for development, you also can be a Laravel contributor. Thousands of talented & skilled developers from around the world have contributed to the framework. This is why Laravel has a great development community.

Laravel makes development fun by easing common tasks used in many web projects, such as:

  • Simple, fast routing engine.
  • Powerful dependency injection container.
  • Authentication Scaffolding.
  • Multiple back-ends for session and cache storage.
  • Expressive, intuitive database ORM.
  • Database agnostic schema migrations.
  • Robust background job processing.
  • Real-time event broadcasting.


Laravel is the Progressive Framework

Laravel's first beta release was made available on June 9, 2011, followed by the Laravel 1 release later in the same month and since then several updates was released. This is why Laravel is called a progressive framework. The current official version of Laravel is 9.x.

What kind of Framework is Laravel?

In terms of web application development, there are two types of Frameworks.

  • Back End or Server-Side Frameworks
  • Front End or Client-Side Frameworks

Laravel is a Back End Framework

Laravel is a Back End or Server-Side Framework. Unlike Front-End Framework Laravel can easily be used to develop business logic for very robust web applications. Laravel allows to enables the creation of simple pages, landings, and different forms. Apart from delivering output data, it boosts security during web attacks.

This is a much-needed reason why experts rate it as one of the best web frameworks for backend development. Laravel provides app maintenance and deployment services as well as several ways to use relational databases.

It offers very important key features like

  • Security
  • Template Engine
  • Eloquent Object Relational Mapping
  • MVC Architecture
  • Dynamic Routing System

Front-End Frameworks integration with Laravel

Front End is used to design web pages, develop complex user interfaces, associate data with DOM elements, style your components and make AJAX requests. It has nothing to do with business logic. For Front-End Development Laravel provides the mechanism to integrate Bootstrap and Vue JS Frameworks. For web & mobile application development simultaneously Framework7 also can be used which is a totally JavaScript-based Front End Framework.

Also Read: What is Framework7?

Laravel also can easily other libraries like jQuery, React, D3.js, Underscore, LODASH, ALGOLIA PLACES, and Anime.js. JavaScript libraries contain various functions, methods, or objects to perform practical tasks on a webpage or JS-based application. JavaScript library has codes or functions those developers can reuse and repurpose. A developer writes these codes, and other developers reuse the same code to perform a certain task, like preparing a slideshow, instead of writing it from scratch. It saves them significant time and effort.

Progrramers Laravel Tutorials

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